SDG 17
夥伴關係-Partnerships for the goals
Signing a ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Defense Technology and Industry Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding’
with Japanese and Taiwanese enterprises.
17.1 與夥伴關係有關的研究
Research into partnership for the goals
指標 Indicator | ||
17.1.1 與低收或中低收入國家合著的論文 Proportion of output co-authored with low or lower-middle income countries |
17.1.2促進目標實現的夥伴關係:出版物 Partnerships for the goals: publications |
17.2 支持目標的夥伴關係
Relationships to support the goals
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資料來源 Source |
17.2.1 與非政府組織和政府在永續發展目標政策方面的關係 Relationships with NGOs and government for SDG policy |
Evidence 1:📋暑假啟動多元關懷服務列車 首發辦育樂營落實食農教育
Evidence 2:📋「博識公益」講座分享教育資源-藝起觀心與開心 Evidence 2:”General knowledge public welfare” Lecture Sharing Educational Resources |
佐證二:秘書處 |
17.2.2 關於永續發展目標的跨部門對話 Cross sectoral dialogue about SDGs |
Evidence 1:🔗分享工作坊
Evidence 2:📋關於永續發展目標的跨部門對話 Evidence 2:Cross-departmental dialogue on the sustainable development goals |
佐證二:永續辦公室 |
17.2.3 永續發展目標的國際合作數據收集 International collaboration data gathering for SDG |
Evidence 1:📋International collaboration data gathering for SDG | 佐證一:安環室 |
17.2.4 永續發展目標最佳實踐的協作 Collaboration for SDG best practice |
Evidence 1:📋Efficacy Study of BN Powder Foundation Project
Evidence 2:📋計畫課程綱要表 |
佐證一:研發處 |
17.2.5 與非政府組織合作實現永續發展目標 Collaboration with NGOs for SDGs |
Evidence 1:🔗本校服務學習之校外合作機構
Evidence 1:Off-campus partner organizations for service learning |
佐證一:永續辦公室 |
Publication of SDG reports
17.4 永續發展目標教育
Education for the SDGs
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資料來源 Source |
17.4.1 促進永續發展目標教育的承諾 Education for SDGs commitment to meaningful education |
Evidence 1:📋本校獎勵教學課程對應聯合國永續發展目標實施要點
Evidence 1:Teaching courses correspond to the UN’s SDGs Implementation Standards Evidence 2:📋聯合國永續發展目標SDGs與課程連結說明 Evidence 2:Presentation on Teaching courses correspond to the UN’s SDGs Implementation Standards |
佐證二:通識中心 |
17.4.2 永續發展目標課程 Education for SDGs: specific courses on sustainability |
Evidence 1:🔗開課與師資資訊校務資訊公開專區
Evidence 1:Curriculum and Teacher Information School Affairs Information Disclosure Area Evidence 2:📋人類發展學及醫學與生命倫理相關課程 Evidence 2:Courses related to human development and medicine and bioethics |
佐證一:教務處 |
17.4.3 永續發展目標社區推廣教育 Education for SDGs in the wider community |
Evidence 1:📋(海線、大屯、長青)活動資料
Evidence 1:Activity information Evidence 2:🔗111年長青學苑期末成果展 Evidence 2:2022 Senior Academy Final Achievements Exhibition |