SDG 07
可負擔的潔淨能源-Affordable and Clean Energy
Hungkuang promotes a sustainable campus by installing a solar power generation system
to reduce carbon footprint for the Earth.
弘光推動永續校園 建置太陽能發電系統 為地球減碳
7.1 清潔能源研究
Research on clean energy
指標 Indicator | 資訊來源 Source | |
7.1.1負擔得起的清潔能源 Affordable and Clean Energy: CiteScore |
CiteScore指標 | |
7.1.2負擔得起的清潔能源:FWCI Affordable and Clean Energy: FWCI |
Elsevier’s ASJC | |
7.1.3負擔得起的清潔能源:出版物 Affordable and Clean Energy: publications |
Scopus dataset |
University measures towards affordable and clean energy
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | |
7.2.1指標:節能改造與建築 Indicator: Energy-efficient renovation and building |
Evidence 1:📋綠建築標章 Evidence 1:📋Green Building Certification |
佐證一:安環室 |
7.2.2提升現有建築的效能等級 Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency |
Evidence 1:📋校園節能電器的使用正在取代傳統電器 Evidence 1:📋Campus of Energy efficient appliances usage are replacing conventional appliances |
佐證一:安環室 |
7.2.3減碳排碳 Carbon reduction and emission reduction process |
Evidence 1:📋溫室氣體排放管理 Evidence 1:📋Greenhouse gas emissions management |
佐證一:安環室 |
7.2.4降低能源消耗的計畫 Plan to reduce energy consumption |
Evidence 1:📋減少能源消耗計劃 Evidence 1:📋Plan to reduce energy consumption |
佐證一:安環室 |
7.2.5確定能源浪費 Energy wastage identification |
Evidence 1:📋能源浪費識別 Evidence 1:📋Energy wastage identification |
佐證一:安環室 |
7.2.6擺脫投資政策 Divestment policy |
Evidence 1:無 |
7.3 能源使用密度
Energy use density
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資訊來源 Source |
7.3.1 每平方米能源使用量 Indicator: Energy usage per sqm |
使用的總能源:35,113(GJ) Total energy used:Total energy used in Gigajoule (GJ) 大學建築面積:150,122(m2) University floor space:Floor space of the university buildings in square metre (m2) |
佐證二:總務處 |
7.4 能源與社區
Energy and the community
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資訊來源 Source |
7.4.1當地社區宣傳能源效率 Local community outreach for energy efficiency |
Evidence 1:🔗弘光USR打造低碳永續家園 Evidence 1:🔗Build a low-carbon and sustainable home |
佐證一:永續辦公室 |
7.4.2 100%再生能源承諾 100% renewable energy pledge |
Evidence 1:📋100%再生能源承諾 Evidence 1:📋100% renewable energy pledge |
佐證一:安環室 |
7.4.3工業能源效率服務 Energy efficiency services for industry |
Evidence 1:📋計劃案 Evidence 1:📋research project |
佐證一:研發處 |
7.4.4支持制定清潔能源技術政策 Policy development for clean energy technology |
Evidence 1:📋計劃案 Evidence 1:📋research project |
佐證一:研發處 |
7.4.5助力低碳創新 Assistance to low-carbon innovation |
Evidence 1:🔗國內外永續發展大獎 Evidence 1:🔗Domestic and International Sustainable Development Awards |