SDG 02
消除飢餓-Zero Hunger
One fish, three Western-style delicacies: the Director of the Department of Culinary Arts and Hotel Management assists
the Environmental Protection Agency in producing a video on food waste reduction for educational purposes.
一魚煮三道西式佳餚 餐旅系主任助環保署拍惜食教育影片
2.1 與飢餓有關的研究
Research on hunger
指標 Indicator | 資訊來源 Source | |
2.1.1零飢餓:期刊評價體系 CiteScore Zero Hunger: CiteScore |
CiteScore指標 | |
2.1.2零飢餓:科研論文影響力(FWCI) Zero hunger: FWCI |
Elsevier’s ASJC處 | |
2.1.3零飢餓:出版物 Zero hunger: publications |
Scopus dataset |
2.2 校園廚餘
Campus food waste
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資訊來源 Source |
2.2.1校園廚餘追蹤 Campus food waste tracking |
Evidence 1:📋本校廚餘處理機制與數量 | 佐證一:安環室 |
2.2.2指標:校園廚餘 Indicator:Campus food waste |
Evidence 1:📋Campus food waste
Value:15公噸 ton |
佐證 :安環室 |
2.2.2指標:校園廚餘 Indicator:Campus food waste |
Value:12,896人 people | 佐證 :人事室、安環室 |
2.3 學生飢餓
Student hunger
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資訊來源 Source |
2.3.1 學生糧食不安全與飢餓 Student food insecurity and hunger |
Evidence 1:🔗本校學務處衛保組食品營養資訊專區
Evidence 1:Food Nutrition Information Area Evidence 2:🔗疫起動滋懂吃 宅家運動營養1+1 |
佐證二:學務處衛保組 |
2.3.2 學生及教職員飢餓介入方案 Students and staff hunger interventions |
Evidence 1:🔗弘光科技大學關懷助學惜福餐券
Evidence 1:[Caring for students] Cherishing meal coupons Evidence 2:📋111學年度惜福餐券統計張數 |
佐證二:學務處生住組 |
2.3.3 校園永續飲食選擇 Sustainable food choices on campus |
Evidence 1:🔗弘光美食大平台
Evidence 2:🔗弘光學生餐廳素食館 |
佐證二:學務處生住組 |
2.3.4 健康與可負擔的飲食選擇
Healthy and affordable food choices |
Evidence 1:🔗弘光美食大平台
Evidence 2:🔗本校校園餐飲店介紹 |
佐證二:學務處衛保組 |
2.4 修習有關永續農業及水產養殖課程的畢業生的比例
Proportion of graduates in agriculture and aquaculture including sustainability aspects
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資訊來源 Source |
2.4.1 指標:修習農業及水產養殖課程的畢業生的比例 Indicator:Proportion of graduates in agriculture and aquaculture |
Value:3,033人 people | |
2.4.2 -農業和水產養殖課程(包括永續發展方面)的畢業生人數 Number of graduates from agriculture and aquaculture courses including sustainability aspects |
Value:218人 people |
2.5 全國性飢餓
National hunger
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資訊來源 Source |
2.5.1 可及性的糧食安全知識 Access to food security knowledge |
Evidence 1:🔗USR睦鄰茶會與溫網室摘採體驗 打造好宅共好生活
Evidence 1:USR Good Neighbor Tea Party and Greenhouse Picking Experience Evidence 2:🔗師生跨域智慧農業 設計研發植物成長環境監測系統 Evidence 2:Design and develop plant growth environment monitoring system |
佐證二:秘書處 |
2.5.2 為在地小農與糧食生產商提供的活動 Events for local farmers and food producers |
Evidence 1:🔗食科系師生到布農部落指導應用在地農產做手工餅乾
Evidence 2:🔗用在地食材創新料理 風土餐桌行銷外埔農特產 Evidence 2:Innovative cuisine using local ingredients, marketing Waipu agricultural specialties |
佐證二:秘書處 |
2.5.3 友善在地小農與糧食生產商的校園 University access to local farmers and food producers |
Evidence 1:📋Research Project & E-news | 佐證一:研發處 |
2.5.4 採購永續飲食 Sustainable food purchases |
Evidence 1:🔗食材登錄平台稽查
Evidence 1:Ingredients login platform Evidence 2:🔗弘光美食大平台 |
佐證二:學務處 |