SDG 08
尊嚴就業與經濟發展-Decent Work and Economic Growth
Research on economic growth and employment
指標 Indicator | 資料來源 Source | |
8.1.1 經濟成長與就業研究在前10%核心期刊的發表篇數 Decent Work and Economic Growth: CiteScore |
CiteScore指標 | |
8.1.2 經濟成長與就業研究的相關發表及出版 Decent Work and Economic Growth: publications |
Scopus dataset |
Employment practice
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | 資料來源 Source |
8.2.1 就業實踐與生活工資 Employment practice living wage |
Evidence:本校約聘人員敘薪要點 | 佐證:人事室 |
8.2.2 就業工會 Employment practice unions |
Evidence:Regulations on the setting up of labor-management meetings |
佐證:人事室 |
8.2.3 制定終止歧視的就業政策 Employment policy on discrimination |
Evidence:Plan to prevent illegal infringeent while performing duties |
佐證:學務處 |
8.2.4 反對現代奴隸制的工作政策 Employment policy modern slavery |
Evidence:Employee overtime application and various allowance payment regulations |
佐證:人事室 |
8.2.5 人力外包僱傭關係的同等權利 Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing |
Evidence:勞務合約草案 | 佐證:總務處 |
8.2.6 制定薪資平等的就業政策 Employment policy pay scale equity |
Evidence:Salary related regulations |
佐證:人事室 |
8.2.7 追蹤性別平等的薪酬等級 Tracking pay scale for gender equity |
Evidence:Regulations on hiring and salary setting of project personnel for Higher Education Sprout Project |
佐證:人事室 |
8.2.8 制定就業實踐的申訴流程 Employment practice appeal process |
Evidence:Employee Grievance Organization and Evaluation Methods |
佐證:人事室 |
8.2.9 僱用實踐勞工權利 Employment practice labour rights |
Evidence:Regulations on the setting up of labor-management meetings |
佐證:勞動部 |
8.3 每位員工的支出
Expenditure per employee
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | |
8.3.1人均支出 Indicator: Expenditure per employee |
8.4 參加工作實習的學生比例
Proportion of students taking work placements
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | |
8.4.1 有實習機會的學生比例 Proportion of students with placements |
8.5 簽定安全合約的員工比例
Proportion of employees on secure contracts
指標 Indicator | 佐證資料 Evidence | |
8.5.1簽定安全合約的員工比例 Proportion of employees on secure contracts |