醫材系與馬拉西亞拉曼大學進行雙邊暑期交流 The Department of Medical Materials conducts bilateral summer exchanges with Universiti TAR Malaysia
環安系承辦自來水事業技術人員考驗 The Department of Environmental Safety undertakes the test for technical personnel of the water supply industry
智科院參加亞洲無人機AI創新應用博覽會 School of Intelligent Science participated in the Asian Drone AI Innovation and Application Expo
護理科112 學年度招生優免成績全國排行第四 Nursing Department ranks fourth in the country in terms of enrollment results
食科系學生暑假「衝」比賽 兩賽事奪冠軍拿5面金牌 Food Science students’ summer “rush” competition, winning two events and winning 5 gold medals
把世界帶進校園!弘光學伴帶領外國學生大玩科技及虛擬實境 Bring the world to campus! Hungkuang partners lead foreign students to play with technology and virtual reality
健管系學生前往東南亞最大台商醫院實習收獲滿滿 Students from the Department of Health Management went to the largest Taiwanese hospital in Southeast Asia for internship and gained a lot
工業局與本校辦淨零工作坊 綠色製造技術研發中心同步揭牌 The Industrial Bureau and our school held a net-zero workshop and the Green Manufacturing Technology R&D Center was simultaneously unveiled
辦英語密集訓練課程10年有成 進步成績平均達122分! The intensive English training course has been successful for 10 years, with an average improvement score of 122 points!