原住民文化交流運動會暨部落市集熱鬧又盛大 The Aboriginal Cultural Exchange Games and Tribal Market were lively and grand
老師教你善用家裡不用鋼刷、毛衣做萬聖節造型 Make good use of steel brushes and sweaters you don’t use at home to create Halloween looks
優遊臺中學 探索智慧醫療器材 Leisurely travel to Taichung to learn and explore smart medical equipment
從志工服務展現弘光辦學理念 Demonstrating Hungkuang’s educational philosophy through volunteer services
弘光盃全國食品群技藝競賽被視為全國技藝競賽熱身賽 Hungkuang Cup National Food Group Skills Competition is regarded as a warm-up match for the National Skills Competition
智慧醫療科技應用研討會ChatGPT護理臨床應用受矚目 Smart medical technology application seminar, ChatGPT nursing clinical application attracts attention
妝品學生畫出排灣公主永恆之美 把日本藝術祭最大獎金盃抱回台 Students painted the eternal beauty of Princess Paiwan and brought the largest prize trophy from the Japan Art Festival back to Taiwan
透過「月餅試吃票選活動」教導食安觀念 Teach food safety concepts through the “Mooncake Tasting and Voting Activity”
華語文中心辦「學華語,做月餅」活動 Chinese Language Center holds “Learn Chinese and Make Mooncakes” activity