弘光科大落實SDGs成效獲肯定 再獲國家企業環保獎 Hungkuang University was recognized for implementing SDGs and won the National Enterprise Environmental Protection Award again
諮輔志工陪伴慢飛天使親近動物、水域探索 Counseling volunteers accompany Slow Flying Angels to get close to animals and explore waters
民創院9系聯合志工活動居民及遊客熱情參與 Residents and tourists enthusiastically participated in joint volunteer activities
參加「臺澳雙證計畫」學生拿大獎、領高薪、獲留用 Students who participated in the “Taiwan and Macao Dual Certificate Program” won awards, received high salaries, and were retained
美髮系新生黃茂畯獲選國際技能競賽國手 Freshman Huang Maojun from the Department of Hairdressing was selected as the national champion in the International Skills Competition
全台唯一歐盟與ITA贊助廚藝挑戰賽「第一屆弘光餐旅菁英大賽」 The only EU and ITA-sponsored culinary challenge in Taiwan “The First Hungkuang Restaurant and Tourism Elite Competition”
智慧科技應用系學生放眼世界學海飛颺 Students from the Department of Smart Technology Applications look to the world and flourish in learning
華語文中心贈書助越南學生學中文 Chinese Language Center donates books to help Vietnamese students learn Chinese
弘唱五燈獎-弘光盃歌唱決賽展現美妙歌喉 Hungchang Five Lights Award-Hungkuang Cup Singing Final Shows Beautiful Singing Voices